Achmed the dead terrorist


Monday, December 29, 2008

And a very Happy New Year
to One and All..!

Once again, Peter is having a play (particularly as there are only about 36 hours left to complete 23Things!).

Having just looked at the section on GoogleDocs, I love it! It certainly has the potential to streamline both document and advertising copy preparation - rather than having to email each revised edition to several people, they can all work on the same document. Thus, changes can be agreed with the minimum of delay so producing an agreed final document in the shortest time possible.

This, of course, does not only relate to library matters, it is equally applicable right across the business spectrum. Further, this would mean that documents could be seen at several placed across a city (in our case in up to 32 places) or, better yet, right across the world, in different time zones, hemispheres, continents, or whatever!

It is a tool with staggering potential! Brilliant!

1 comment:

Sleepydumpling said...

I'm so glad you're working on it Pietro, you'd have broken my heart if you hadn't completed it. You're one of my champions!